Development of a control system for a hydraulic process

Our customer is an international player in the field of hydraulic systems. Unfortunately we cannot publish the project in detail but a general description is given below.

EBtech developed a compact portable control system. This system is capable of controlling multiple hydraulic actuators that are used to perform a collective process. Each actuator is controlled by an individual valve and for each actuator measurement data is available, giving actual pressure, position and applied force. The process is executed fully automated following a strict protocol.

Executing the process fully automated in stead of manually has several benefits such as:

  • Strong reduction of labor costs
  • Process parameters are controlled with higher accuracy and the end result is more accurate
  • The process can be documented based on data that is logged during the process

Independent advisor

During the development of a hydraulic synchronized positioning system, designed by Holmatro, EBtech had a modest role of independent technical advisor. For more details and a short video on this project, click the link in the right column.